Blog Writing: Effective ways to build and maintain a strong bond with your grandchildren
Are you feeling like you and your grandchildren are drifting apart? That distant feeling could be a positive thing. It shows that you want to be there for them; and you do want to be there for your grandchildren, especially early in their lives. Learn how to stay in touch by taking these steps
Use Facetime

You can dread it, run from it, and even fear it. The best way to reach out to your grandchildren is to use your phone. Most kids these days can’t take their eyes off their phones, so why not use that to your advantage? If you do not own a smartphone, the best one to get is an iPhone as most people in America use one. Especially young people. The next step is easy: FaceTime them. They will even be surprised that you made the effort to do that and will want to talk to you. Now, be careful not to do it too much; they will think you are pestering them. Aim for about once or twice a week. It gives them something to look forward to, and it helps build longing and suspense.
Write Letters
The old-fashioned way works. Sending letters is especially effective because it shows that you are thinking about them to the point where you felt you had to sit down, write a letter, and post it to them. Putting down thoughtful words on how much you miss them and asking how they are doing will do a lot. You can be as cheesy and mushy as you want to be. They will love it. There is a bit more leeway with this because you are not blowing up their phones trying to reach them. You can send about two or three letters a month or however you see fit. You still want to give them something to look forward to. If you send letters every week, they will dismiss them as junk mail. Letters two or three times a month will create that feeling of looking for your Amazon package in the mail five minutes after ordering it online. They also make great keepsakes that they can cherish forever.
Share Life Stories

An old proverb says “what children cannot see standing up, elders can see sitting down.” Elders today have lived through many different eras. There are plenty of interesting stories that you can tell to engage them. Tell them about the times before technology, tell them about how you grew up back in the day, or what it was like compared to now and how things have changed for the better or if things got worse. You can also tell your grandchildren stories of when they were babies and how they grew up. That is something that will make them sit down and swing their legs in interest for sure. Make the stories silly, funny, or serious. Show pictures if you have any. Share advice. You have experienced so much in life, and you definitely have some pointers and tips to give. They will listen if you construct it beautifully. It is up to them to decide whether or not to take your advice. Children tend to tell their grandparents when they have, and you can be proud of the impact that you have made in their lives.
Show Up
Being in a retirement home far away from your grandchildren does not mean that you should not try to see them. Show up unexpectedly, bearing gifts of course. They will love it. The good thing about doing this is that you do not even have to plan it and it does not have to be frequent. Birthdays, graduation parties and main events like these are the ones that grandparents should do their best to attend. Being there will make the day much more special than you imagine. Being part of the memories and core experiences of your grandchildren’s lives is just as good as being there frequently. Take them out and spend the day with them. It could be breakfast, lunch or dinner. It could be a day of play, a walk, a trip to the museum. Make the effort. It will work wonders.

Bear gifts. The quickest way to most hearts is meaningful gifts. Grandchildren, especially at young ages, go to their grandparents for the things that their own parents refuse to give to them. Even going for the traditional, old-school cookies or brownies will show that you care. They look to their grandparents for some kind of intercession too for these gifts. Use that to your advantage. Keep your ears to the ground and be the hero. They will love you forever and look forward to meeting you, even if it is just transactional. It will lead to a deeper connection between you down the road. Whether you are going to meet them or they are coming to see you at your home, make sure that they do not leave empty handed. There are many gifts that you can give your grandchildren like the toys they ask for, money, and food. Put some thought into it, the effort will make all the difference.
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